SEATTLE, WA June 30, 2024 – Due to the timely and important nature of this art collection, the solo exhibition, “Anonymous Sorrow,” on Gaza, censorship, and humanity from artist Ann-Marie Stillion has been moved to Equinox Studios at 6556 Fifth Ave S. Seattle. Gallery 6556 is open from Thursday to Saturday from 1 to 6 pm and by appointment through July 28.
“Many factors switched on the light for me to initiate Anonymous Sorrow. At the heart of it are unprecedented numbers of women and children, journalists, and medical professionals killed along with equally unprecedented censorship in the art world on the topic of Palestine. I feel the issue of censorship should be on all our minds as democracy is threatened. Ironically few full-scale exhibitions like mine exist to this day except in the Middle East. Watching artistic expression suppressed and silenced in the United States and the West has pushed me forward to make, exhibit, and share the work.” – Ann-Marie Stillion, artist statement.
A collection of exhibit prints designed in collaboration with Editions Studio is also available.
“I call the work anonymous to reflect the voices around the world who have been silenced or censored now and in the past on the topic of Palestine. Unbelievably, even sorrow can be questionable and legislated, artists and others have discovered these past few months. Meaning itself is under fire,” the artist said.
Visitors to the interdisciplinary exhibit have called it “powerful,” “moving” and “elegant” which formerly had an extended run in downtown Seattle at CORE Gallery, a contemporary gallery in the Tashiro Kaplan artist building.
You may also follow the exhibit on Ann-Marie Stillion’s Instagram account @annmariestillion or visit her website at #####

“Anonymous Sorrow.” archival pigment print with letterpress combining text and photography, edition of 7 by Ann-Marie Stillion. © 2024 Ann-Marie Stillion / Artists Rights Society, New York